Henning Schulze, Masters Thesis, KIT & CMU, March 2020 – August, 2020:
CAGAN: Text-To-Image Generation withCombined Attention GenerativeAdversarial Networks
Daniel Handloser, Masters Thesis, KIT & Waseda University, August 12, - February 11, 2020:
Towards Diversity and Relevance in Neural Natural Language Response Generation
Tino Fuhrmann, Masters Thesis, KIT & CMU, June 2019 – January, 2020:
Using Scene-Aware Voice Dialogs in Human-Drone Interaction
Oliver Wirth, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & NAIST, - Mai 11, 2020:
Revised Speech Chain Loop featuringQuality Estimation
Arsenii Dunaev, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, July 28, - November 27, 2019:
A Text-to-Speech system based on Deep Neural Networks
Florian Pfisterer, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, July 12, - November 11, 2019:
A Study on Semantic Parsing of Cooking Recipes
Valentin Rublack, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, September 24, 2018 - January 23, 2019:
Unsupervised Style Transfer
Simon Hessner, Masters Thesis, KIT & CMU, January 14, – August 15, 2019:
Facial Landmark Detection and ShapeModeling using Neural Networks
Xuan Tung Nguyen, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, February 1, – May 21, 2019:
Application of Neural Networks for Heading Direction Estimation
Than-Le Ha, Dissertation, KIT & CMU, January 9, 2019:
Multilingual Neural Translation
Xizhe Lian, Masters Thesis, KIT & CMU, January 1, - July 1, 2018:
Figuring out How Automats Use AI to Understand and Solve Physical Puzzles
Fabian Martin, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, July 20, – November 19, 2018:
Enhancing Lecture Transcript Comprehensibility By Recognising Mathematical Formulae
Matthias Sperber, Dissertation, KIT & NAIST, November 14, 2018:
End-to-End Neural Speech Translation
Jonas Frey, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & NAIST, June 1 - November 30, 2018:
Dynamic Deformation Network: A deep generative model for 3d voxel object deformation using Kalman variation auto-encoder
Cornelia Schlagenhauf Master Thesis, KIT & CMU, June 1 - October 1, 2018:
Interactive Design and Control of Tendon-Driven Soft Foam Robot Hands
Dominic Bauer Master Thesis, KIT & CMU, June 1 - October 1, 2018:
Automated Design of Tendon-DrivenSoft Foam Hands using Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo Optimization Methods
Markus Müller, Dissertation, KIT & CMU, June 29, 2018:
Multilingual Modulation by Neural Language Codes
Theo Beffart, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, February 22 – June 22, 2018:
Creating Audio Level Dependency Parse Trees from Speech
Robin Schmucker, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, December 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018:
Learning and Recognizing Activity Patterns with Sensor Data
Bettina Weller, Masters Thesis, KIT & Waseda, November 15th, 2017 – May 14th, 2018:
A Social Robot’s Emotion-Adaptive Feedback
Emanuel Jöbstl, Masters Thesis, KIT & CMU, November 2017:
Reverberation Robust Acoustic Modeling Using Time Delay Neural Networks
Eunah Cho, PhD Thesis, KIT & NAIST, February 2017:
Machine Translation of Spontaneous Speech
Thomas Zenkel, Masters Thesis, KIT & CMU, October 2016 - February 2017:
Character Based Language Modeling and Applications in Speech Recognition
Marvin Ritter, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, July - October 2016:
Neural Network Architectures for Reverberated Lecture Speech Recognition
Yang Zhang, Bachelor Thesis, KIT & CMU, July - October 2016:
Integrating Encyclopedic Knowledge into Neural Network Language Models
Marco Vetter, Diploma Thesis, KIT & NAIST, Nov. 2015 - May 2016:
Unsupervised Phoneme Segmentation of Previously Unseen Languages
Jan Niehues, Dissertation, KIT & CMU, January 17, 2014:
Adaptation in Machine Translation
Matthias Sperber, Diploma Thesis, KIT & NAIST, Till November 5, 2012:
Efficient Speech TranscriptionThrough Respeaking